Legislate to protect: Lei Sena, the first mental health law in Portugal (1889)
history of nursing, psychiatry, mental health, legislationAbstract
Background: Psychiatry gained ground as a science in the 19th century, in Portugal, and important laws were created in this context. Although nurses were care providers in various health institutions it was also at this time that nursing was born as a profession.
Objectives: To analyze the law presented; to explain its importance in the development of psychiatry and mental health in Portugal; to identify its contributions to the history of Portuguese psychiatric and mental health nursing.
Methodology: Historical research, using as source the Law of 4 July 1889, Government Gazette No. 155 of 15 July 1889.
Results: In Portugal, there was a need for the legislation and organization of care provision to the insane, creating structures suitable for this purpose. However, the legislative interventions planned were never implemented, and thus poor care was provided to the insane in Portugal until the end of the 19th century.
Conclusion: This law was important for the development of mental health and psychiatry in Portugal because it was the first legal document issued in this domain.
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