Feeding a person: design and content development for a digital tool for care to dependent people
activities of daily living, health education, e-Health tools, caregivers, self-careAbstract
Background: Digital platforms are a resource in health.
Objective: The study aims to describe the design, development, and validation of the content of the feeding a person, for integration into a digital platform, designed to support family caregivers.
Methodology: The production of content was carried out by a focus group that, based on the literature and through the plain language methodology, designed the material to be included in the platform. The material produced was validated by 15 experts using the Delphi technique and subsequently subjected to evaluation by 8 caregivers.
Results: Dentition, dietary needs, hydration, care before, during, and after feeding the person, changes in swallowing, and special situations were the contents identified according to the needs of caregivers. The information has been refined until the final structure and contents presented a simple language, logical organization, appropriate to the little differentiated population with low health literacy.
Conclusion: The contents were considered facilitators of informed decision-making by caregivers of people with impaired self-feeding.
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