Prenatal consultation in primary health care: weaknesses and strengths of Brazilian nurses’ performance
primary health care, prenatal care, nursingAbstract
Background: To ensure prenatal care quality and reduce maternal and neonatal morbimortality, nurses working in primary health care settings need to carry out consultations aimed at identifying and preventing unfavorable perinatal outcomes.
Objective: To know the weaknesses and strengths of nurses’ performance in prenatal consultations.
Methodology: A qualitative, descriptive study was conducted in the first half of 2018. The sample was composed of 11 female nurses bound to family health strategy units of a municipality in southern Brazil. Structured interviews were conducted and subject to thematic content analysis.
Results: The weaknesses identified included the delay in delivering the prenatal screening tests requested, the deficit of professionals to make up the multidisciplinary teams, and the difficulty of pregnant women to understand the importance of prenatal care. As for strengths, the variety of clinical interventions, the bond between the professional and the mother, and the use of local protocols were considered.
Conclusion: This study allowed knowing relevant aspects that can influence the quality of primary health care provided by nurses.
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