Oral hygiene: performance of the nursing team in a hospital environment





oral hygiene, nursing, nursing care, disease prevention


Background: Oral hygiene is essential in nursing care. It helps in the prevention of oral and systemic diseases.

Objective: To identify the performance of the nursing team in oral hygiene in a hospital environment.

Methodology: Exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach carried out with nursing professionals who work in the hospital environment. A questionnaire was applied to participants about their sociodemographic and professional characteristics and the performance of oral hygiene.

Results: A total of 114 nursing professionals participated in this study. Of these, 75.4% of participants reported that they had not performed oral hygiene in the last shift, and 44.7% of the team members suggested that the patient should do so. Work overload and high patient turnover were mentioned as constraints to the performance of oral care.

Conclusion: The nursing staff perceives oral hygiene as a part of essential patient care; however, oral hygiene practice has been neglected. This study points to the need to provide continuing education activities on this type of care in the hospital environment.


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How to Cite

Carlos da Silva Junior, A., Paulo Xavier, I., Menezes Silveira, L., Maria Stabile, A., Capellari Cárnio, E., Lima de Gusmão, J., & Luiz Thomaz de Souza, A. (2020). Oral hygiene: performance of the nursing team in a hospital environment. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.12707/RIV19099



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