Suffering in primary care nurses




mental suffering, nurses, primary health care


Background: Suffering in nurses is associated with the delivery of care to patients in suffering and factors related to the working conditions. It is a multidimensional experience that occurs in situations of loss, damage, or threat to human integrity.

Objective: To compare the mean scores in the dimensions of suffering (Emotional Pain, Relational Loss, and Avoidance) based on the sociodemographic and professional variables of nurses.

Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was conducted with a sample of 100 nurses. A self-administered questionnaire was applied, as well as the Caregiver Grief Scale for assessing suffering.

Results: Women with children, with a partner, without specialization in nursing, and with more years of service had higher mean scores of suffering. In men, the highest mean scores were found in nurses without children, without a partner, with specialization in nursing, and with more years of service.

Conclusion: Nurses showed higher mean scores of suffering in the dimension of Emotional Pain, followed by Relational Loss, and Avoidance, and suffering was higher among women.


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How to Cite

Maria Pires, L., João Monteiro, M., & Jacinto Vasconcelos-Raposo, J. (2020). Suffering in primary care nurses. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(1).



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