Translation and adaptation of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture into the Portuguese context
patient safety, ambulatory care, validation studiesAbstract
Background: As the number of ambulatory surgeries performed in Portugal increases, it becomes essential to evaluate the patient safety culture within this context. The adaptation and validation of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture is a study that still has not been carried out for the Portuguese context.
Objectives: To translate, adapt, and validate the Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture into European Portuguese, and to evaluate its psychometric properties.
Methodology: The translation and adaptation were developed in 6 stages and followed international guidelines. The instrument was applied to a randomized, non-probabilistic sample of 221 participants in a private ambulatory surgery unit in central Portugal. The analysis of the internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha and exploratory, confirmatory factor analysis were performed.
Results: The internal consistency obtained a value of 0.934. The original factor solution original of the questionnaire was used.
Conclusion: The translated version presented a good quality in the psychometric evaluation and can be considered a valid, reliable, and useful instrument for the evaluation of the patient safety culture in ambulatory surgery units in Portugal.
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