Effectiveness of telemedicine interventions in the impact of rheumatoid arthritis: an umbrella review protocol
telemedicine, arthritis, rheumatoid, health education, quality of life, self careAbstract
Context: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and potentially disabling disease associated with a poor quality of life that affects 0.5% of the adult population worldwide. Telemedicine interventions are a measure for improving health care, reducing the costs and the impact of the disease.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of telemedicine interventions in improving the self-care, pain and fatigue management, health literacy, and quality of life of people with RA.
Method of review: The Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for umbrella reviews will be used. Two inde pendent reviewers will identify, select, and extract the studies.
Presentation and interpretation of results: The aim is to obtain data on the effectiveness of telemedicine interventions in the impact of RA on people, contributing to the dissemination of the best available evidence.
Conclusion: This protocol will contribute to an effective planning of nursing interventions that minimize the impact of RA on self-care, pain and fatigue management, health literacy, and quality of life.
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