Psychoeducational intervention to promote mental health literacy among adolescents at school: a focus groups study
mental health, health literacy, education, adolescent, schools, focus groupsAbstract
Background: National and international studies have revealed low mental health literacy (MHL) on anxiety among adolescents and the need to develop psychoeducational interventions at schools.
Objective: To identify the components of a psychoeducational intervention to promote MHL on anxiety among adolescents in the school context.
Methodology: An exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative study was conducted using 2 focus groups and the content analysis technique. Six health or education professionals participated in the first focus group, and 6 9th-grade adolescents participated in the second focus group.
Results: The components of a psychoeducational intervention to promote MHL on anxiety among adolescents in the school context were identified, contributing to its preliminary design. The intervention consists of 4 90-minute sessions using different pedagogical methods and techniques.
Conclusion: This study contributed to the preliminary design of the “ProLiSMental” psychoeducational intervention, which aims to enable adolescents to access, understand, and use relevant information that helps them to prevent, recognize, and manage anxiety.
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