Patient safety in primary health care: the perceptions of professionals working in family health teams




patient safety, family health strategy, patient care team, primary health care


Background: Given that a considerable amount of care is provided in primary health care settings, a better understanding of patient safety at this level of care is essential.

Objective: To explore the perceptions of patient safety among healthcare professionals working in family health teams.

Methodology: An exploratory study, using a qualitative approach, was carried out with 23 health professionals (nurses, nurse technicians, physicians, and community health agents) from 6 family health strategy teams in Brazil. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Bardin’s thematic content analysis method.

Results: Two thematic categories emerged from the data analysis: (Lack of) Knowledge about patient safety principles and Professionals’ actions and strategies for promoting patient safety.

Conclusion: Patient safety in primary health care is an issue still poorly understood among the study participants. The nurses were the only professionals who highlighted its current impact.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, H. C. T. C., Pardini, R. D., da Silva, J., Menezes, A. C., Franco, E. C. D., Mata, L. R. F. da, & Campos, C. G. (2021). Patient safety in primary health care: the perceptions of professionals working in family health teams. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(6), 1–8.



Research Articles