Communicating with the intensive care team: the perspective of hospitalized children’s families




family, patient care team, qualitative research, communication, hospitalization


Background: Communicating with the health care team is key in the family’s process of adapting to child hospitalization.

Objective: To know the families’ perspective on their communication with the intensive care team during their children’s hospitalization.

Methodology: Qualitative study conducted with 13 family members of children hospitalized in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a University Hospital. Data were collected in 2017 using semi-structured interviews and interpreted following Roy’s Adaptation Model.

Results: Two thematic units were identified: “Effective communication between the health team and family within the context of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit,” in which the health team clarifies doubts and transmits clear information on the child’s medical condition; and “Poor communication between the health team and family within the context of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit,” in which health professionals use language that hampers families’ understanding.

Conclusion: Understanding and adopting effective communication strategies between health teams and families are essential for a good adaptation process during children’s hospitalization.


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How to Cite

Bazzan, J. S., Marten, V. M., Gabatz, R. I. B., Klumb, M. M., & Schwartz, E. (2021). Communicating with the intensive care team: the perspective of hospitalized children’s families. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(7), 1–8.



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