Translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Venous International Assessment Scale to European Portuguese
catheterization, peripheral, translations, psychometrics, nursesAbstract
Background: A significant number of adult patients experience difficult peripheral intravenous access, leading to multiple puncture attempts and venous network depletion. The Venous International Assessment (VIA) Scale is referenced internationally as a reliable instrument that classifies patients’ peripheral intravenous accesses and determines the risk of related complications.
Objectives: To translate, culturally adapt and validate the VIA Scale to European Portuguese.
Methodology: Study of the translation, cultural adaptation, and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the VIA Scale in a nonprobability sample with 100 patients in need of peripheral intravenous catheterization.
Results: The Portuguese version of the VIA Scale (EARV) revealed moderate inter-rater reliability scores (k = 0.490; p < 0.0005). The criterion and construct validity of the EARV were assessed through predictive, convergent, and correlational analysis, with moderate to large magnitudes, and statistical significance.
Conclusion: The EARV is a reliable and valid instrument that can assist Portuguese health professionals in determining and categorizing difficult peripheral intravenous access. Further studies are recommended to test the transversal applicability of the scale.
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