Preoperative nursing consultations: Implementation and evaluation




perioperative nursing, patient-centered care, enhanced recovery after surgery, perioperative care, patient education as topic, patient satisfaction


Background: The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program is a perioperative care pathway that aims to improve surgical outcomes and patient recovery. Nurses have a key role, particularly in preoperative consultations.

Objectives: To plan, implement and evaluate the preoperative nursing consultation included in the ERAS program.

Methodology: This is a descriptive, quantitative study with three phases: planning (development of guidance documents), implementation (consultations), and evaluation (through a questionnaire and audit platform). The study was conducted with two non-probability samples, one without consultations before the ERAS® program implementation (n = 65) and the other with consultations (n = 93).

Results: Ninety-six consultations were held, with 74.2% of the patients reporting they were very satisfied and 59.1% considering the information transmitted very important. If new surgery was needed, all patients (100.0%) stated they would want a consultation. The mean length of hospital stay reduced from 7.09 to 6.73 days (p = 0.044), and the time to recover autonomy in mobilization decreased from 3.48 to 2.00 days (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: The consultations were important for patients, had high levels of satisfaction, and positively impacted the recovery of autonomy.


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How to Cite

Mendes, D. I. A., & Ferrito, C. R. C. (2021). Preoperative nursing consultations: Implementation and evaluation. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(8), 1–8.



Research Articles