Psychometric properties of a questionnaire for assessing informal caregivers’ skills




caregivers, psychometrics, surveys and questionnaires, validation study, family, home nursing


Background: Health professionals are responsible for training informal caregivers to provide home care and therefore it is important to assess caregivers’ skills.

Objective: To explore the psychometric properties of a questionnaire for assessing informal caregivers’ skills.

Methodology: Methodological study involving 216 informal caregivers from a city in the southern region of Brazil. Structural construct validity was examined through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was assessed by evaluating internal consistency.

Results: The exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors corresponding to the following skills: Psychomotor (Factor 1), Cognitive (Factor 2), Emotional (Factor 3), and Relational (Factor 4). The confirmatory factor analysis revealed satisfactory results for all fit indices and internal consistency of α = 0.82.

Conclusion: The questionnaire shows evidence of reliability and validity and can be used to assess informal caregivers’ skills in home settings.


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How to Cite

Santos, F. G. T. dos, Sanches, R. de C. N., Bernardino, E., Silva, E. S., Haddad, M. do C. F. L., Gonçalves, A. de S., & Radovanovic, C. A. T. (2021). Psychometric properties of a questionnaire for assessing informal caregivers’ skills. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(8), 1–8.



Research Articles