Factors influencing the adaptation of families, as systems and clients, to cancer: A scoping review
adaptation psychological, family, cancer, reviewAbstract
Background: Cancer is associated with loss and threat to life, so the emotionally charged diagnosis of cancer brings about psychological distress and suffering to individuals and families, influenced by multiple factors conditioning the adaptive processes.
Objective: To determine the factors influencing family adaptation to the cancer of a family member.
Review method: This scoping review followed the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute. It included articles published between 2015 and March 2020 in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
Presentation and interpretation of results: Based on the 13 articles included, this review identified the following factors influencing family adaptation to the cancer of a family member: family assessment of the event, family resources, and coping.
Conclusion: Identifying these factors is essential to intervene with the families as clients and systems and promote adaptive processes in patients with cancer and their families.
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