Nurses’ attitudes in family care in the context of primary health care
nurses, family, attitude, primary health careAbstract
Background: In primary health care, nurses provide comprehensive care to the family group and coordinate care. Therefore, their attitudes towards the family are key for forming bonds and achieving the success of the therapies proposed by the health team.
Objective: Characterize nurses’ attitudes in family care in the context of primary health care in Brazil.
Methodology: Descriptive, carried out between April and June 2020, with 71 nurses, using a form for the characterization and the scale of Importance of Families in Nursing Care - Nurses’ Attitudes. Descriptive statistical analysis was applied.
Results: There was a predominance of women (90.1%), aged 31 to 50 (76%), sensu lato education (38.0%), specialization in family health (54.9%). There were supportive attitudes (80.9; SD = 7.8), with statistical significance in age group and gender distribution.
Conclusion: The nurses presented support attitudes towards families, but the study found a need for investment in the qualification for working with families, especially among men and the over-40 age group.
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