Occupational safety climate in a psychosocial care unit: The perception of nursing workers





organizational culture, patient safety, worker’s health, accidents at work, mental health, nursing


Background: The safety climate is a measurable element of safety culture. Based on professionals’ perceptions, it is possible to know the safety context of an organization.

Objective: Assess the safety climate and its relationship to accidents/occupational diseases in a psychosocial care unit.

Methodology: Quantitative, inferential study with nursing workers in a psychosocial care unit. A semi-structured questionnaire and the ClimaSeg-H - Escala de Clima de Segurança no Trabalho Hospitalar (Hospital Work Safety Climate Scale) were used. Analysis was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics program.

Results: As for the safety climate, the domain with the worst evaluation was “Support for work and safety practices”. There was an association between the safety climate and the variables accidents/occupational diseases, use of medications, and missed work resulting from work-related accidents/illnesses.

Conclusion: There are weaknesses in the safety culture related to work and safety practices support. Having an accident/illness at work, using medications, and/or missing work is associated with the poorest perceptions of the safety climate.


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How to Cite

Freitas, E. de O., Flores, A. do N. D., Antunes, L. D., Foggiato, T., Cunha, Q. B. da, & Siqueira, D. F. de. (2022). Occupational safety climate in a psychosocial care unit: The perception of nursing workers. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(8, Supl. 8), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.12707/RV21009



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