Promotion of self-care in the person hospitalized with COVID-19: Rehabilitation nursing interventions




COVID-19, self-care, rehabilitation nursing, health promotion, activities of daily living


Background: COVID-19 appears to have an impact on the functionality and dependence of the infected person, with health and socio-economic consequences.

Objective: Highlight the impact that COVID-19 has on the functionality of the basic activities of daily living of the sample and to highlight the results that rehabilitation nursing interventions have on the restoration of the functionality.

Methodology: Quantitative and retrospective cohort study through the application of a data collection form to 27 people who underwent the rehabilitation nursing program with periodic evaluation of evolution using the modified Katz index and Borg scale.

Results: It was found that COVID-19 generated/aggravated dependence in 96% of the sample and had a significant impact on activity intolerance. After the rehabilitation nursing interventions, there was an improvement in functional status in 93% of the sample and for 96% there was improved activity intolerance, both resulting in an increase in capacity for self-care.

Conclusion: Rehabilitation interventions have had a positive impact on the recovery of functionality, emerging as an asset today.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa, P., & Silva, I. (2021). Promotion of self-care in the person hospitalized with COVID-19: Rehabilitation nursing interventions. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(8, Supl. 8), 1–8.



Research Articles