Learning to care for the family in the community: Usability of the Dynamic Model of Family Assessment and Intervention





nursing model, nursing students, learning, clinical skills


Background: The Dynamic Model of Family Assessment and Intervention is used in the teaching-learning process of undergraduate nursing students to guide the process of caring for families in the community.

Objective: To analyze the dimensions valued by undergraduate nursing students in the development of family assessment and intervention skills.

Methodology: An exploratory-descriptive study was conducted with 350 undergraduate nursing students. A form was used to identify aspects valued in using the theoretical and operational model in clinical teaching. Data were subjected to content analysis, with a priori and a posteriori categorization. All ethical assumptions were met.

Results: Five dimensions were identified: Clarity (most valued); Simplicity; Generality; Derivable consequences (intermediate frequency), and Empirical precision (least valued). Interconnection emerges between stages of the care process and the model as an instrument of change and reference in decision-making in clinical settings.

Conclusion: The dimensions confirm the importance attributed by students to the structure and meaning in learning about family care and are predictors of integrated learning between nursing theory and practice.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, M. H. de J. S., Madeira, A. C. de S. C. M., Reis, A. M. S. do S. C. dos, Santos, M. I. M. P., Santiago, M. da C., Ferreira, M. M. H. P., & Dias, H. M. do P. da S. (2022). Learning to care for the family in the community: Usability of the Dynamic Model of Family Assessment and Intervention. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.12707/RV21073



Research Articles