Evaluation of the Journal Club as a pedagogical strategy in nursing education: Students’ perceptions
teaching, nursing, learningAbstract
Background: The Journal Club (JC) is defined as an informal educational meeting providing a forum of discussion that seeks consensus and promotes knowledge sharing and transfer while translating scientific evidence into clinical practice.
Objectives: To explore nursing students’ perceptions of the JC as a pedagogical strategy in Clinical Teaching.
Methodology: Descriptive and exploratory study with a mixed-methods approach to data analysis. The sample consisted of 55 students. The questionnaire was designed and made available online.
Results: Students made a positive assessment of this teaching-learning strategy. As main advantages, they identified the possibility of bringing clinical practice closer to scientific evidence and developing critical appraisal skills. One of the disadvantages was the requirement of search skills.
Conclusion: The JC proved to be a rewarding and promising strategy because it adapts to the various challenges of nurses’ training, namely the translation of scientific evidence into clinical practice, the development of search skills, and the synthesis of evidence.
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