Local health units: A vertical integration model of health care
health institutions, administration of health services, models, organizational, quality of health careAbstract
Background: The local health unit (Unidade Local de Saúde - ULS) model embodies the vertical integration of health care services, bringing together different levels of care within a single entity and under the same management.
Objective: To analyze the ULS organizational model and its potential health and economic gains.
Methodology: This is an exploratory study involving five ULSs located in Portugal’s northern and inland areas. The data analyzed focused on citizens’ access to health care, quality of care, productive efficiency, and economic and financial performance from 2015 to 2018. The Portuguese Health Regulation Authority (ERS) and the Central Administration of the Health System (ACSS) provided the data for analysis.
Results: Considering the ACSS and ERS data analysis, there seems to be evidence that the ULS organizational model does not translate into economic and health gains.
Conclusion: ULSs were created to allow a better interconnection between the different levels of care. However, this organizational management model does not provide the added value theoretically expected.
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