Nurse managers’ use of technologies in the management process




information technology, health management, nursing


Background: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) offer a myriad of tools in the area of health care. Nurse managers are expected to manage the available resources efficiently using ICTs.

Objective: To identify the technological profile of nurse managers.

Methodology: This is an exploratory, descriptive, quantitative study with a sample of 74 nurse managers who completed a questionnaire on using ICTs in management. Data were treated using statistical and descriptive analysis.

Results: The nurse managers were over 51 years old, with more than 28 years of professional experience and more than 11 years in management. Their knowledge of informatics was acquired through self-learning. The best-known and most used ICTs for nurse managers were email and video conferencing.

Conclusion: This study allowed understanding nurse managers’ technological profiles and identifying the technologies that can be used to improve management processes and care delivery.


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How to Cite

Vaz, I. F. M., & Landeiro, M. J. da S. L. (2022). Nurse managers’ use of technologies in the management process. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(1), 1–8.



Research Articles