Theoretical usability of an innovative device for post-infarction rehabilitation: Observational study with rehabilitation nurses
rehabilitation nursing, myocardial infarction, cardiac rehabilitation, technological development and innovation projects, user-centered designAbstract
Background: Cardiac rehabilitation programs are essential for recovering and maintaining functional capacity in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Current programs have high dropout rates and require more motivational features.
Objectives: To assess and compare the usability of two prototypes of an innovative rehabilitation device for post-infarction patients.
Methodology: This is a quantitative observational study using a 5-point Likert-type scale with 16 nurse specialists in rehabilitation, selected through snowball sampling.
Results: The quantitative analysis showed a three-dimensional assessment of the prototypes with mean scores of 4, indicating usability and intention to use. Both prototypes were considered useful, functional, and easy to learn and use, with few differences reported on the three dimensions. The ease of learning was more consensual in the Alpha prototype.
Conclusion: The two developed prototypes present high usability scores and are very similar, demonstrating great potential for effectiveness in the intended context.
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