Outcome indicators obtained from the nursing process: Prospective cohort study with critically ill patients





nursing process, health status indicators, intensive care units, adult, nursing


Background: The implementation of the nursing process contributes to obtaining outcome indicators that demonstrate changes in nursing diagnoses.

Objective: To analyze outcome indicators obtained from the implementation of the nursing process with critically ill patients.

Methodology: Prospective cohort study with a convenience sample of 109 critically ill patients. Rates of diagnostic prevalence and incidence, risk diagnostic effectiveness, effectiveness in preventing complications, and positive changes in the status of actual diagnoses were calculated.

Results: The diagnosis of risk for infection was prevalent in 100% of patients and the diagnosis of risk for imbalanced body temperature had the highest incidence (33.9%). The diagnoses of risk for infection, risk for vascular trauma, risk for bleeding, and risk for impaired religiosity obtained a diagnostic effectiveness rate of 100%. The rate of effectiveness in preventing falls was 100%. The rate of positive changes in the diagnosis of hypothermia was 93.4%.

Conclusion: Indicators obtained from the nursing process show nursing-sensitive outcomes.


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How to Cite

Tannure, M. C., Lima, A. M., Estevam, F., Peruzzo, F., Guimarães, J. C., Costa, R. C. O. V., & Chianca, T. C. M. (2022). Outcome indicators obtained from the nursing process: Prospective cohort study with critically ill patients. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.12707/RV21143



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