Determinants of nurses’ adherence to personal protective equipment in the emergency department: Scoping review
nurses, personal protective equipment, review, emergency departmentsAbstract
Background: Personal protective equipment (PPE) ensures the safety of both health professionals and patients. However, the factors influencing adherence to PPE are scattered in the literature.
Objective: To map the factors influencing nurses’ adherence to PPE use in the emergency department.
Review method: Scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology. Two independent reviewers analyzed the relevance of the studies, and extracted and synthesized data.
Presentation and interpretation of results: The studies included in this review revealed that responsibility, knowledge of the consequences, educational interventions, and real-time feedback promote adherence to PPE use. In turn, factors such as age, diseases, lack of training and assessment, lack of knowledge, and insecurity hinder adherence to PPE use.
Conclusion: Identifying these factors is crucial in developing interventions to increase adherence to PPE use. Further studies should be carried out to determine the factors influencing PPE use.
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