Eating practices and behaviors of families of children with autistic spectrum disorder
child, feeding behavior, family, autism spectrum disorderAbstract
Background: Atypical eating behaviors are significantly common in children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and can influence families’ organization of eating practices.
Objective: To understand the eating practices and behaviors of families of children with ASD.
Methodology: This is a qualitative and descriptive study, using the multiple case method, with the participation of 13 family members of children with ASD. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the analytical technique of cross-case synthesis was used to systematize the evidence.
Results: This study gathered evidence on eating conceptions and practices, the organization of families’ eating practices, and eating behaviors. Families’ conceptions of eating practices influence how they organize and meet their children’s care needs.
Conclusion: Each family develops their eating practices based on their context, food and cultural identity, and the different demands of their children’s eating behaviors and difficulties. Families need a support network to manage the organization of their daily routines.
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