Older people's social representations of their social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic





social isolation, coronavirus, health services for the aged, aging, community health nursing, psychology social


Background: Isolation is adopted worldwide during the different phases of the pandemic in an attempt to flatten the contagion curve and protect vulnerable groups.

Objective: To discuss the social representations of older people about their social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methodology: Qualitative research based on the structural approach of social representations. 117 elderly people who sought immunization for influenza in a Brazilian Basic Health Unit in 2020 participated. Sociodemographic data and evocation technique were collected. Prototypical analysis was carried out after lexicographic, semantic reconciliation and co-occurrence testing in the EVOC and Iramuteq software.

Results: The representations were aimed at “distancing” and anchored in the justifications “necessary-safe, make-possible, stay-home, limit-exit, danger-disease and prevention” that reflected the process of building social representations.

Conclusion: The representations were objectified by distancing and anchored in the expressed justifications necessary-safe, make-possible, stay-at-home, limit-out, danger-disease and prevention, which reflected the process of construction of representations in a knowable perspective.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. P. da, Melo, L. D. de, Arreguy-Sena, C., Pinto, P. F., Spindola, T., & Parreira, P. M. D. (2022). Older people’s social representations of their social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(1, Supl. 1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.12707/RV21075