Job satisfaction of nursing professionals working in a hospital’s medical and surgical units




nursing, occupational health, job satisfaction, mental health, health management


Background: Job satisfaction influences the intention to stay on the job and impacts the quality and safety of nursing care.

Objective: To analyze job satisfaction among nursing professionals working in a hospital’s medical and surgical units.

Methodology: This cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted with 149 nursing professionals working in a private hospital. Data were obtained through a sociodemographic and work-related questionnaire and the Job Satisfaction Scale (Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho [EST])

Results: Nursing professionals express their satisfaction with coworkers and managers. However, the results regarding their satisfaction with salary and career advancement demonstrate the nursing professionals’ dissatisfaction. Most nursing professionals are indifferent to the dimension of satisfaction with the nature of the work.

Conclusion: Job satisfaction is ensured by maintaining a good relationship with managers and coworkers. Also, the level of satisfaction seems to increase as the health professional’s experience in the unit increase.


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How to Cite

Zaidan, J. L., Aquino, J. M. de, Lima, A. de G. T., Barros, A. C., & Silva, E. R. de C. (2022). Job satisfaction of nursing professionals working in a hospital’s medical and surgical units. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(1), 1–10.



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