Knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about neonatal post-resuscitation care




patient care team, asphyxia neonatorum, cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Background: The multidisciplinary team caring for at-risk newborns should identify the risk factors for asphyxia early on. The team should be prepared for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and post resuscitation care and have theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and ethical behaviors to minimize adverse events and provide safe care.

Objective: To assess the knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about neonatal post-resuscitation care.

Methodology: Cross-sectional study in a neonatal unit in Fortaleza-CE-Brazil. A questionnaire was administered to the multidisciplinary team, selected by convenience, and analyzed using the positivity index.

Results: The team consisted mostly of women, aged 30 to 40 years, with a postgraduate degree, who had witnessed neonatal cardiorespiratory arrest and had attended a training course. They had an adequate knowledge positivity index (99.1%) regarding vital signs and oxygen saturation; borderline knowledge of blood gas dosage (71.8%), and poor knowledge (20.9% to 60.0%) about monitoring central venous pressure, urine output, blood glucose, and cardiac enzymes. Participants suggested using hard technologies, with only one professional recommending soft/relational technologies.

Conclusion: There is a need for effective professional training, continuing education, and awareness raising interventions to promote a holistic approach to newborn care.



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How to Cite

Lima, J. S. M., Santos, A. C. ., Magalhães, F. J., Pinto, M. M. M. ., Oliveira, R. M. C. ., Rolim, K. M. C. ., & Fernandes, H. I. V. M. . (2023). Knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about neonatal post-resuscitation care. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(2), 1–7.



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