Loyola Generativity Scale and Generative Behavior Checklist: A Psychometric Study with Spanish LGBT+ Older Adults
LGBT persons, older adults, generativity, validation studyAbstract
Background: Generativity has been associated with resilience and life satisfaction in older age, including among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) older adults.
Objective: To examine the psychometric properties of the Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS) and Generative Behavior Checklist (GBC) for Spanish LGBT+ older adults (over the age of 50).
Methodology: A psychometric study was conducted with 141 Spanish LGBT+ older adults to examine the construct validity (exploratory factor analysis), convergent validity, and reliability (internal consistency) of the LGS and the GBC.
Results: Parallel and exploratory factor analyses suggested a two-factor model with good sample adequacy for both scales. The LGS explained 45.1% of the variance and had an internal consistency of 0.78. The GBC explained 41.76 % of the variance and had an internal consistency of 0.879. A positive and statistically significant correlation was found between life satisfaction and the generative scales. A positive and significant correlation (rs = 0.310) was also observed between both instruments.
Conclusion: Both instruments proved valid and reliable for measuring generativity in Spanish LGBT+ older adults.
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