Caregivers’ perceptions of the requirements of their role: A qualitative study




caregivers, qualitative research, nursing care, continuity of patient care


Background: Assuming the role of a caregiver involves meeting several demands. Understanding the caregiver’s perspective can aid in this transition.

Objective: To identify caregivers’ perceptions of the requirements for taking on this role.

Methodology: A descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach was conducted, using semi-structured interviews with a convenience sample of nine caregivers of dependent persons without previous experience. The data obtained was analyzed using MAXQDA software and followed Bardin’s principles of content analysis. Ethical principles were adhered to, and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee (opinion OBS.SF.245-2021).

Results: The data analysis revealed three categories and their subcategories: Awareness; Skills, (Feeling capable of providing care after hospital discharge; Knowledge; Capabilities; Emotional self-control); and Resources.

Conclusion: The requirements identified in caregivers’ perceptions can improve nurses’ assessment of the conditions that facilitate the assumption of this role in the context studied. Future studies should focus on the perceptions of health professionals/clinicians regarding this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. J. F. ., Lopes , M. B. ., Manata, J., Santos, D., Limão, R., & Nunes, M. C. (2024). Caregivers’ perceptions of the requirements of their role: A qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(3, Supl. 1), 1–7.

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