The experience in traffic and its effects on the health of bus drivers: a phenomenological descriptive study




conscience, drivers, traffic, occupational diseases, stress, psychological, qualitative research


Background: The daily life of bus drivers is dynamic and influenced by many variables: their driving skills, their ability to overcome their fears, and their ability to follow an established itinerary. Bus drivers experience limitations and challenges that can trigger a process of psychological distress.

Objective: To describe the perceptions of bus drivers about their experience in traffic and the possible effects of daily urban mobility on these drivers.

Methodology: Descriptive, phenomenological study based on the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. It was conducted at a bus station between July and December 2017. Twenty-four bus drivers were interviewed using open-ended questions.

Results: Two categories emerged: Traffic is a box full of surprises and Psychological balance is necessary.

Conclusion: Giving a voice to these professionals, bringing to light what causes their suffering, and recognizing their needs will contribute to the prevention of physical and psychological disorders, as well as traffic accidents. Bus drivers need better conditions to set the city in motion on a daily basis.


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How to Cite

Alcantara, V. C. G. de, Silva, R. M. C. R. A., Pereira, E. R., Silva, D. M. da, & Flores, I. P. (2024). The experience in traffic and its effects on the health of bus drivers: a phenomenological descriptive study. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(23), 21–30.



Research Articles