Humanization of healthcare at the emergency department: a qualitative analysis based on nurses’ experiences




emergencies, nursing


Background: The working conditions of emergency department professionals and the technification of healthcare have had a negative impact on the healthcare professional-patient relationship, dehumanizing it.

Objective: This qualitative study explored nurses’ perspectives about the humanization of healthcare in Spanish emergency departments.

Methodology: A qualitative design, centred on the opinions of 11 nurses working in the emergency department was applied via semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed using the content analysis technique.

Results: Two main themes were identified: The dimensions of humanized healthcare and implementing humanized healthcare at emergency departments, as well as five subthemes.

Conclusion: Recommendations are put forward to strengthen initiatives for implementing integrated models of healthcare assistance. The implementation of holistic, patient and family-oriented healthcare is essential to guaranteeing humanized healthcare at the emergency department.


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How to Cite

Anguita, M. V., Sanjuan-Quiles, Ángela, Ríos-Risquez, M. I., Valenzuela-Anguita, M. C., Juliá-Sanchis, R., & Montejano-Lozoya, R. (2024). Humanization of healthcare at the emergency department: a qualitative analysis based on nurses’ experiences. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(23), 59–68.



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