Quality of life of prostate cancer patients: A nursing care model





quality of life, prostatic neoplasms, nursing; health promotion, patient satisfaction


Background: Cancer constitutes a dramatic life experience, disrupting homeostasis. With population aging and prolonged survival in cancer patients, it is essential to increase their quality of life.

Objective: To develop and implement a nursing follow-up model focused on the vulnerabilities of patients with prostate cancer in order to improve their quality of life.

Methodology: A pilot study was conducted on six patients with prostate cancer. Data were collected through the application of the QLQ-INFO25 and HADS and interviews in the outpatient consultation of a private hospital.

Results: Changes in the dimensions of health-related quality of life. Implementing the follow-up model revealed that "health education, self-confidence, and attitude" are essential aspects of the nurses' work with these patients. Working on patients' vulnerabilities improved their quality of life.

Conclusion: The model benefits health promotion, well-being, complication prevention, and in creased satisfaction. The team's individualized work improves these patients' quality of life.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, J. ., Prata, A. P., & Couto, G. R. (2023). Quality of life of prostate cancer patients: A nursing care model. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.12707/RVI22086



Research Articles