Nurses’ theoretical knowledge of advanced life support in the care of critically ill people
knowledge, critical care, emergencies, nurses, advanced cardiac life supportAbstract
Background: Nurses need not only practical knowledge to apply Advanced Life Support (ALS) but also theoretical knowledge.
Objectives: To assess nurses’ theoretical knowledge of ALS in the care of critically ill people and to examine the relationship between nurses’ theoretical knowledge of ALS in the care of critically ill people and their sociodemographic, academic, and professional variables.
Methodology: A quantitative and descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 36 nurses selected through non-probabilistic convenience sampling.
Results: In the applied questionnaire, the nurses achieved a correct answer rate of 73.53%. Statistically significant differences were found between specialist nurses and their knowledge of emergency drug administration [amiodarone (t = 4.292; p = 0.038); and atropine (t = 4.912; p = 0.027)] and capnography monitoring (t = 4.788; p = 0.029).
Conclusion: Nurses showed good levels of theoretical knowledge of ALS, and practical refresher training every 3 months is recommended.
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