Effectiveness of an educational video in reducing anxiety and fear in school-aged children undergoing surgery
child, hospitalized, instructional film and video, nursing, anxiety, fear, preoperative periodAbstract
Background: Children often perceive hospitalization and surgery as threatening events that can lead to feelings of anxiety and fear. These feelings may affect their behaviors.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational video in reducing anxiety and fear before outpatient surgery.
Methodology: A randomized controlled study was conducted with 60 children (6 - 14 years old) undergoing outpatient surgery. The intervention group watched an educational video during the preoperative period, while the control group received standard preoperative care. The effectiveness of the video was measured using the Children’s Anxiety Meter-State scale, and fear was measured using the Children’s Fear Scale.
Results: No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found between the intervention group that watched the video and the control group that received standard preoperative care.
Conclusion: An accurate assessment of whether the costs of this intervention outweigh the benefits is essential. Further research is recommended, particularly in adapting other programs that have proven more effective in this context.
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