Student Transition to higher education: a study on self-efficacy, stress, and psychological well-being
nursing, higher education, students, self efficacy, stress, psychological well-beingAbstract
Background: The transition to higher education is a critical period with many new and demanding challenges that can trigger adjustment difficulties and imbalances in students’ mental health.
Objective: To describe the relationship between sociodemographic/academic variables and general self-efficacy, perceived stress, and psychological well-being in first-year undergraduate nursing students.
Methodology: This descriptive-correlational study used a non-probability convenience sample of 263 first-year undergraduate nursing students. Data were collected during the 2019/2020 academic year using the following instruments: Sociodemographic/Academic Questionnaire, General Self-Effica Scale, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), and Psychological Well-Being Manifestation Measure Scale (EMMBEP).
Results: The study revealed a negative correlation between general self-efficacy and perceived stress and between perceived stress and psychological well-being. A positive correlation was also observed between general self-efficacy and psychological well-being among nursing students.
Conclusion: The transition to higher education is complex and highly impactful for students, therefore it is essential to develop facilitative strategies to reduce the impact of stress-inducing factors and emotional distress in this population.
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