The critically ill person submitted to non-invasive ventilation in an emergency department




complications, person in critical situation, noninvasive ventilation


Background: The effectiveness of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) may be impacted by potential complications that require preventive nursing attention.

Objective: To identify the complications of critically ill patients undergoing NIV therapy admitted to the Emergency Department of ULS-Bragança.

Methodology: Exploratory-descriptive, observational, quantitative study conducted through the application of two data collection instruments, between November 2017 and March 2018: A Questionnaire and an Observation Grid of a sample of 35 patients, mostly female (57.14%) over the age of 85 (37.14%).

Results: The most frequent clinical diagnosis was respiratory failure (45.71%). The most frequent complications were the sensation of claustrophobia, ulcerations of the face, pain, and accumulation of secretions. Less frequent complications were nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, gastric distension, aerophagia, and vomiting.

Conclusion: The dissemination of the results is advocated, in order to open the discussion within and between teams, to reinforce the relevance of nursing training regarding the care of patients with NIV.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, S. M. G., Branco, M. A. R. da V., & Rodrigues, P. A. da R. (2019). The critically ill person submitted to non-invasive ventilation in an emergency department. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(22), 13–22.



Research Articles