Psychosocial risks of nurses who provide care to critically ill patients
occupational risks, nurses, critical careAbstract
Background: Psychosocial risks are a growing public health problem which, within the context of the care delivery to critically-ill patients, can affect the quality of care provided by health professionals.
Objective: To identify the psychosocial risks of Portuguese nurses who provide care to critically ill patients.
Methodology: Quantitative and cross-sectional study, with a non-probabilistic sample of nurses (n = 61) who work in pre-hospital emergency care (n = 6), emergency rooms (n = 20), and intensive care units (n = 35), in northern Portugal. The COPSOQ II questionnaire was applied between July and December 2018. A descriptive and exploratory analysis of the data was carried out, using the SPSS® software.
Results: There was a moderate to high risk in 20 of the 29 dimensions evaluated by the questionnaire, and significant differences among the nurses of the emergency rooms and intensive care stand out, particularly in leadership quality, job satisfaction, and offensive behavior.
Conclusion: The dimensions related to the area of management emerged as the main focus of psychosocial risks.
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