Strategies for nurse retention in hospitals: scoping review protocol
nurses, personnel turnover, hospitals, reviewAbstract
Background: Nursing turnover has an impact on the quality of care, patient safety, and hospital productivity.
Objective: To map nursing staff retention strategies in hospitals.
Method of review: Scoping review protocol according to the Joanna Briggs Institute method. Published and unpublished bibliographical material according to the following inclusion criteria: reporting the use of strategies for retention (concept) of nursing professionals (population) in hospitals (context). The sources of data will be: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, CENTRAL, LILACS, PsycINFO, ProQuest Dissertations, Theses Database, TRIP, International Council of Nurses, Google academic, and Capes Thesis Catalog. Two reviewers will screen the titles and abstracts, read the full texts, and extract the data from the included material. The data will be grouped into categories according to their contents.
Presentation and interpretation of results: The analyzed data will be presented in a diagrammatic, tabular, and narrative form.
Conclusion: It will contribute to the management decision making regarding the turnover of nursing personnel.
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