Using the Delphi technique to validate nursing interventions for stroke patients




stroke, critical pathways, Delphi technique, nursing care, critical care



Background: The prevalence of stroke remains high, where clinical procedures are recommended.

Objective: To validate, using the Delphi technique, nursing interventions in the approach to patients with suspected stroke in the acute phase, with a panel of specialists.

Methodology: A survey was carried out, based on a quantitative-descriptive study. A systematic literature review was carried out beforehand.

Results: The sample consisted of six specialists. Two rounds of the Delphi technique were used to validate nursing interventions for patients with suspected stroke in the acute phase, namely: correct referral taking into account the time of symptom progression; emergency room approach (based on the ABCDEFGH assessment); monitoring and response to adverse reactions during and after thrombolysis.

Conclusion: The validation of nursing interventions in the approach to patients with suspected acute strokes led to the development of a solid work instruction for nurses.


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How to Cite

Conde, C. I. A., & Duarte, H. M. S. (2024). Using the Delphi technique to validate nursing interventions for stroke patients. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(3), 1–9.



Research Articles