Implementation of bundles in preventing infection after total hip arthroplasty
surgical wound infection, arthroplasty, replacement, hip, preventionAbstract
Background: Surgical site infections are among the most common healthcare-associated infections in hospitalized patients.
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of the measures implemented for preventing surgical site infections in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty.
Methodology: Retrospective cohort study. The sample comprised all patients undergoing hip arthroplasty between 1 October 2014 and 31 September 2016. A grid was created to enter the data selected for the study, in compliance with the standard for prevention of surgical site infections and isolation of infectious agents from the Directorate-General of Health.
Results: In the sample of 214 participants, 56.1% were male patients, with a mean age of 71.04 years and 19.2% had diabetes. The overall rate of surgical site infection of 6.1% decreased by 28.4% after the implementation of prevention bundles.
Conclusion: The number of infections decreased after the implementation of the bundles, and thus their implementation is relevant.
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