Satisfaction and usability of an information and communications technology in nursing education: a pilot study




nursing, education, technology


Background: The literature suggests that interactive educational tools can improve the teaching-learning process.

Objective: To evaluate the usability and satisfaction capability of a technological platform, designed for nursing students, used as a support tool to learn the procedures related to patient positioning.

Methodology: A study with 2 cross-reference evaluation moments was conducted. One hundred and twenty-two students enrolled in the 1st semester curricular unit of the Undergraduate Degree in Nursing, answered a questionnaire, for the assessment of the satisfaction level regarding the currently used model (with no access to the platform). Seventy-eight students enrolled in the second semester had access to the educational platform and gave their opinion on the efficacy, relevance, and responsiveness of the platform.

Results: The students considered the tool useful. The overall evaluation had a mean of 8.01 (on a 0-10 scale).

Conclusion: The correct use of the virtual learning object proves to be useful for the teaching-learning process, contributing to better learning and indirectly to the excellence of nursing care.


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How to Cite

Silva, I., Ângelo, J., Santos, F., Lumini, M. J., & Martins, T. (2019). Satisfaction and usability of an information and communications technology in nursing education: a pilot study. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(21), 143–150.



Research Articles