Content of information exchanged by emergency room nurses during shift handover




information management, patient handoff, emergency service, hospital, continuity of patient care, nurses


Background: The importance of sharing information in the continuity of care is acknowledged, and it is a challenge for nurses to decide which information must be exchanged.

Objective: To understand the content of the information exchanged by nurses during shift handover in the emergency room.

Methodology: A qualitative, exploratory study using focus group as a method for data collection, involving 13 nurses acknowledged by their peers as emergency experts.

Results: From the analysis of the transcripts 4 categories emerged (Patient information, Health status development, Type of communication and Constraints of the shift handover), which demonstrate the content of the information shared by nurses in the emergency room.

Conclusion: Nurses are made aware of the importance of shared information during shift handover, acknowledging that this information can be substantially improved. In order to accomplish that, information about patient identification, current health status, relevant information, medical history, type of care provided, and care plan should be shared during the shift handover.


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How to Cite

Sousa, J., Meneses, D., Alves, D., Machado, L., Príncipe, F., & Mota, L. (2019). Content of information exchanged by emergency room nurses during shift handover. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(21), 151–158.



Research Articles