Pneumonia associated with invasive mechanical ventilation: nursing care




pneumonia, ventilator-associated, critical care, nursing care, prevention and control


Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia is an infection susceptible to prevention with the compliance of measures (bundle), whose prevention is a huge challenge for nursing practice.

Objectives: To identify nursing procedures in patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation and the development of pneumonia in intensive care medicine.

Methodology: Longitudinal and descriptive study carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital in the north of Portugal, between 01/11/2017 and 28/02/2018, with a sample of 20 nurses and a total of 102 observations. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire for the characterization of the sample and a grid of direct observation. Data were entered and analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2016.

Results: The verification of the cuff pressure and the aspiration of secretions were the procedures with lower participation. A 0.3% rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia occurred.

Conclusion: The frequency of pneumonia in ventilated patients was low, as there was a high rate of adherence to the bundle.



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How to Cite

Cruz, J. R. M. da, & Martins, M. D. da S. (2019). Pneumonia associated with invasive mechanical ventilation: nursing care. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(20), 87–96.



Research Articles