Effectiveness of an individual cognitive stimulation program for older adults with cognitive impairment
nursing, dementia, cognitive stimulation, carers, aged, quasi-experimentalAbstract
Background: The number of people with dementia increases significantly with age. However, non-pharmacological interventions, such as cognitive stimulation, can slow this process down.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of individual cognitive stimulation interventions on the cognition, quality of life, and neuropsychiatric symptoms of older adults with dementia, as well as on the quality of the relationship between the older adult with dementia and the caregiver.
Methodology: A 12-week quasi-experimental study was conducted. The cognitive stimulation program “Make a Difference 3” was administered to older adults with dementia living in the community. Outcomes of interest were assessed before and after the intervention.
Results: There were statistically significant improvements in neuropsychiatric symptoms (p = 0.042) and cognition (p = 0.038) after the program was administered.
Conclusion: This type of intervention should be widely disseminated and administered as it promotes gains in older adults with cognitive impairment.
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