Health literacy in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing regular hemodialysis
health literacy, renal insufficiency, chronic, renal dialysisAbstract
Background: Health literacy is a relatively recent approach but has gained considerable prominence in the field of public health. It constitutes a dynamic research area in which various researchers have contributed to understanding its importance
Objectives: Assessing the Health Literacy of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study using the HLS-EU-PT. The sample consisted of 268 patients aged between 25 and 90 years in seven clinics in Portugal.
Results: We found that 74% of our sample had limited health literacy. It was also observed that educational qualifications (p < 0.01) and age (p < 0.01) were related to the literacy index. Furthermore, in the analysis of HLS-EU-PT, all indices showed a lower score with statistical significance when compared to the Portuguese population.
Conclusion: It became evident that it is essential to develop strategies that can improve health literacy rates for individuals with renal failure.
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