Risk factors for pressure ulcers in intensive care: A cross-sectional study
critical care, nursing care, pressure ulcer, risk factorsAbstract
Background: Critically ill patients in intensive care are more susceptible to the development of pressure ulcers.
Objective: To identify risk factors for the development of pressure ulcers in intensive care patients.
Methodology: An observational, longitudinal, retrospective, quantitative study was conducted. The clinical records of 116 patients admitted to an intensive care unit for more than 10 days between June and December 2020 were examined considering three different moments: the day of admission, the 10th day of hospitalization, and the day of discharge. The analysis included main and secondary variables.
Results: The 116 patients had a mean age of 58.98 years and 49.7% developed pressure ulcers. There was a statistically significant association between the development of pressure ulcers and the use of medical devices (NG tubes, IMV, cervical immobilization devices, and urinary catheters) in patients with altered states of consciousness on ECMO and with vasoactive amines.
Conclusion: Patient vulnerability is evident given the factors identified. Knowledge of these factors allows for the prescription of nursing interventions leading to the prevention of pressure ulcers.
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