Pre-Hospital Care for Trauma Victims Based on Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort
nursing theory, models, nursing, nursing, prehospital care, patient comfort, traumaAbstract
Background: The physical, emotional, and psychological discomfort of pre-hospital trauma victims is often neglected by focusing only on the ABCDE approach and acute pain. A more comprehensive approach to discomfort is essential for humanizing the care of trauma victims in pre-hospital settings.
Objective: To critically analyze Kolcaba’s theory of comfort in the management of discomfort in the pre-hospital care of trauma victims.
Main topics under analysis: Kolcaba’s theory of comfort is valuable for pre-hospital care, covering physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort. Based on the types of comfort - relief, ease, and transcendence - the theory suggests holistic assessment, empathic communication, psychological support, spiritual respect, a comfortable environment, and continuity of care. This allows for comprehensive, person-centered care that promotes humanized recovery in pre-hospital emergencies.
Conclusion: Kolcaba’s theory of comfort guides healthcare professionals in improving the physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery of trauma victims by providing a humanized and comprehensive approach to pre-hospital emergencies.
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