Methodology of care humanitude

contribution to the dignity of the person in hygiene and comfort care


  • Liliana Henriques Enfermeira na Unidade de Cuidados Continuados Integrados de Pedrogão Grande; Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Pedrogão Grande
  • Rosa Melo Enfermeira na Unidade de Cuidados Continuados Integrados de Pedrogão Grande; Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Pedrogão Grande
  • Amélia Martins Professora Adjunta Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra; Avenida Bissaya Barreto (Polo A)



hygiene care, comfort, humanization of care, quality of health care, dignity, verticality


Introduction: Health professionals when they take care of spaces of intimacy, especially in hygiene care, present difficulties in promoting the dignity of the person cared for, so they must operationalize the relationship by appropriating innovative strategies appropriate to the needs of people such as the Methodology of Care Humanitude.

Objectives: To identify the contribution of the Methodology of Care Humanitude in the promotion of independence in the self-care of hygiene, in the autonomy, verticality, acceptance of the hygiene care by the person cared for, in the hygiene adequacy to their preferences and in the time spent in the care of hygiene.

Method: Exploratory-descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, using a non-probabilistic sampling process for convenience, involving 33 elderly individuals who had been hospitalized at this unit for at least 90 days hospitalization and 34 health professionals from a Integrated Long Term Care and Maintenance Units. Data collection was performed using the Barthel index, of the sample characterization questionnaire and the difficulties experienced in the hygiene care and an observation script of Structured Sequence of Humanitude Procedures (Simões, Salgueiro, & Rodrigues, 2012). Quantitative data processing was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science, version 17.0.

Results: After the implementation of the Methodology of Care Humanitude, there was a reduction of people classified as totally dependent on hygiene care from 100% to 93.94%. There was greater intentionality and stimulation of verticality, promotion of autonomy, through the involvement of the person in decision making, greater adequacy of hygiene care to the preferences of the person, as well as greater awareness of the moments in which the professionals use the gloves. There was also a decrease in the average time of providing hygiene and comfort care from 25.37 to 17.55 minutes throughout the implementation of the Methodology of Care Humanitude.

Conclusion:  Through the implementation of the Methodology of Care Humanitude it is possible to dignify the person at the moment of the hygiene and comfort care, stimulating the independence and involvement of the person in the care and reducing the average time of provision of hygiene care by the health professionals.


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How to Cite

Henriques, L., Melo, R., & Martins, A. (2019). Methodology of care humanitude : contribution to the dignity of the person in hygiene and comfort care. Servir, 60(1-2), 30–37.


