Local authority elections2.0: analysis of the communication strategies used by candidates, parties, and independent movements


  • Susana Costa Santos Instituto Unversitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIES-IUL
  • Carlota Pina Bicho Instituto Unversitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIES-IUL




social networks, elections, political communication, election campaign


The social networks are an indispensable tool for political communication during election campaigns. This article seeks to contribute to the theoretical on whether online campaigns are helping change the paradigm for communication between candidates and voters, or whether on the contrary they are reproducing the styles and formats put forward by the mass media. The study begins by analysing the content of the Facebook pages of political parties and independent movements regarding the September 2013 local elections. The authors then present an exploratory model that seeks to explain the variations in interactivity from one page to another.

Author Biographies

Susana Costa Santos, Instituto Unversitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIES-IUL

Doutorada em Sociologia pelo Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). Professora auxiliar convidada do departamento de Sociologia do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) onde lecciona a disciplina de Comunicação Política.

Desde 2002, investigadora do CIES-IUL onde desenvolve actividades nas áreas da Sociologia da Comunicação, Sociologia Política e Sociologia do Direito com vários trabalhos publicados. Exerce funções de sub-coordenação no projecto PJS “Jornalismo e Sociedade”.

Publicações recentes: Santos, Susana (2013) “Radio Regulation in Portugal: a contribution to the study of a decision making process”, in International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Thought vol.6 (1), 1064-1070. ISSN : 1916-2782.

Viegas, José Manuel Leite, Susana Santos (2013) “Democratic deliberation: the attitudes of deputies and citizens”, in Freire, André & José Manuel Leite Viegas (editors) (2013), Election, Leadership, and Political Representation in Portugal: Essays on Parliament, Media, Voluntary Associations, Parties, Politics, and Voting, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter/Wales.

Carlota Pina Bicho, Instituto Unversitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIES-IUL

Mestre em Comunicação, Cultura e Tecnologias da Informação pelo Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). Bolseira de investigação no projeto JOrnalismo e Sociedade a decorrer no CIES-IUL.




